Amira Jehia

Main focus: Entreprenurship


Languages: German, English

City: Berlin

State: Berlin

Country: Germany

Topics: female leadership, crowdfunding, social media, fair fashion, event organisation

Services: Talk, Moderation, Workshop management, Consulting, Interview

  Willing to travel for an event.

  I don't want to talk for nonprofit.


Since March 2015 Amira Jehia is the Managing Director of the NGO Mein Grundeinkommen and has also started the project Sanktionsfrei together with her team. The campaigns goal is to point out alternatives for a socially more equal society. Starting with themselves, they experiment with new forms of work. They are developing the approach of holocracy further, based on their individual needs as an organization and team. They work with principles such as a needs-based-salary, the 4-day-week, no maximum holidays and much more. Parallel to that in May 2015 she has co-founded the network-event format Get Engaged together with her business partner Shai Hoffmann, that connects those who are dissatisfied by certain structures with those who already actively work on alternatives. In September 2016 they will host the next conference on "Failure" in Berlin. Further she co-produces and co-markets the Karma Classics, a fairtrade alternative to the popular Converse Chukh.

Her projects:

Examples of previous talks / appearances:

16th BIEN Congress, Seoul - How to make basic income comprehensible

How to get basic income from an abstract concept, to an approach that is comprehensible and realizable.

Future Of Work 2016 - Panelist on Basic Income Experiments

What have we learned from practical experiments so far and what is yet to do. Other panelists: Guy Standing (SOAS), Michael Faye (Give Directly), Ville-Veikko Pulkka (Kela).

Moderation der Konferenz SPACES + POSSIBILITIES

Moderation der Konferenz mit 400 Besucher*innen und Speakern wie Thomas Willemeit, Farhad Dilmaghani, Gideon Kunda u.a.

Basic Income Ireland Summer Forum - Introduction My Basic Income

How to actually provide people in your country with basic income.