Beyza Unal

Main focus: Cyber & WMD policy

Twitter handle: @beyzaunal

Languages: English, Turkish

City: London

Country: United Kingdom

Topics: cybersecurity, nuclear weapons, critical national infrastructure, bio-threats, nato, urban resilience, cbrn


Dr Beyza Unal is a research fellow with the International Security Department at Chatham House. She specializes in nuclear weapons policies and leads projects on chemical, biological, radiological and nuclear weapons. Dr Unal is also conducting research on cybersecurity and critical infrastructure protection, with a particular focus on civil nuclear power plants. She formerly worked in the Strategic Analysis Branch at NATO Allied Command and Transformation, taught International Relations, transcribed interviews on Turkish political history, and served as an international election observer during the 2010 Iraqi parliamentary elections. She is interested in NATO’s defence and security policy as well as security in the Middle East.

Dr Unal has been given various fellowships for her achievements; foremost, she is a William J Fulbright Alumni. She has further received funding from the US Department of Energy to participate workshops in Brookhaven National Laboratory and James Martin Centre for Nonproliferation Studies, and Sandia National Laboratory.