Barbara Fischer

Main focus: digital transformation

Twitter handle: @fischerdata

Websites/blogs: ,

Languages: English, German, Spanish, Swedish

City: Berlin

Country: Germany

Topics: openglam, open data, wikipedia, crowdsourcing, digital culture, climate change


The art manager Barbara Fischer is operating as the liaison counsel at Deutsche Nationalbibliothek. Her job is to empower GLAM institutions to join the Open Culture movement and to foster linked open data. She co-founded the GLAM hackathon Coding da Vinci while working for the Wikimedia movement. She is a member of the Europeana Council. She reaches out as climate-activist in #FridaysForFuture to bridge cultural heritage and climate change.

Examples of previous talks / appearances:

Wikipedia on GLAM Tour
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Beschreibt wie Kulturinstitutionen mit Freiwilligen der Wikimedia Bewegung zusammenarbeiten können.
Describes how GLAM institutions can collaborate with volunteers within the Wikimedia movement. Published by Wikimedia Deutschland in November 2014

Die Erfolgsformel im Wikiversum The formula of success in the Wikiverse

Was habt Ihr, was wir nicht haben? Der Vortrag führt aus wie Freie Lizenzen nicht nur die Sichtbarkeit einer Einrichtung im Netz erhöhen, sondern auch dafür sorgen können die Qualität der Wikipedia insbesondere zu den eigenen Themen zu steigern.
A talk on the benefits of free licenses both to increase the visibility of the institution in the net and promoting the quality of Wikipedia with a focus on your own issues. published Nov 14

Imagine the Wikipedia 2022
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Keynote to the international panel session on the future perspectives of the Wikimedia movement held at the annual Wikimania in 2013 in Hong Kong start film from minute 4 to 18.30

Den Zugang öffnen
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Promotion video on Open Culture debate in German produced by Wikimedia Deutschland in 2013

Kulturgut digital nutzen

Knowledge comes through sharing. An introduction on cooperation opportunities in between art institutions and the Wikimedia movement in German. Produced by Wikimedia Deutschland in 2013

GLAM Arbeit - Was bedeutet das eigentlich?

Explaining in a formula of three keywords Outreach, Encounter & Exhibit how the Open Culture Work at Wikimedia Deutschland is focussed. Published in April 2014

Wie kommt mein Wissen in die Wikipedia?

Gastbeitrag für den Verlag "epubli"-Blog.
Wie können Sachbuchautoren mit ihrem Wissen zur Verbesserung und Erweiterung des Wissens in der Wikipedia beitragen. Tipps, Hinweise und weiterführende Links.