Main focus: Longing for a child?! A hopefull(ly) good idea!
Twitter handle: @kindersehnsucht
Languages: German, English
City: München
Country: Germany
Topics: coach, burnout, coaching
Services: Talk, Moderation, Workshop management, Consulting, Coaching, Interview
Willing to talk for nonprofit.
Longing for a child? As a well-educated and experienced Coach I can tell a lot about that: How to survive that family party when everyone is expecting you to be expecting. I can tell how it feels to be within the reproductive medicine process. I can tell... a lot about this longing for a child - and I am able to talk about it from two perspectives: as a woman who's literally tried everything possible in Germany to become a mom - and as a specified coach, who's been working for years on this topic.
Contact me and we'll figure out, what you want me to talk about. I'll be happy to customize it to your needs. ...I went to school and studied in the United Kingdom; so my English skills should be good enough. :-)
Examples of previous talks / appearances:
Hier schreibe ich mit sehr viel Leidenschaft aber auch über 12 Jahren Erfahrung über den Kinderwunsch und das ungewollt kinderlose Leben... und alle Facetten, die damit zu tun haben! Na, neugierig?! Dann zack! - reinschauen!
3 Bücher habe ich rund um den Kinderwunsch veröffentlicht:
"Unsere Glückszahl ist die Zwei"
"Mutig durch den Kinderwunsch - über den Umgang mit gruseligen Gedanken und bitteren Ratschlägen"
"Kinderwunsch Entscheidungen - Entschlossen seinen Weg gehen, ohne Angst und Reue"