Main focus: Global history (19th-20th c.)
Websites/blogs: , ,
Languages: German, English, French
Country: Germany
Services: Talk, Moderation, Workshop management, Interview
Willing to travel for an event.
I don't want to talk for nonprofit.
I am a historian researching the entangled history of Germany/Europe, the Middle East, and India during the 19th and 20th century. I have written a book on the history of gender, childhood and education, looking at Protestant missionaries in late Ottoman Beirut. My second book is concerned with the history of vegetarianism between Europe, the US, and India. I also collaborated on an illustrated global history of the plague which just came out with Harper Collins India. I am an experienced speaker, discussant, and teacher.
Examples of previous talks / appearances:
Interview zu meinem Buch German Religious Women in Late Ottoman Beirut. Competing Missions (Leiden: Brill, 2015), in dem ich die Bildungsarbeit Kaiserswerther Diakonissen im spätosmanischen Beirut untersuche. Nadja Danilenkos Wissenschaftspodcast "Tell me a history", in dessen Rahmen das Interview stattfand, bringt Forschungen zur Kulturgeschichte des Nahen Ostens und der islamischen Welt einem breiteren Publikum nahe.
This talk is in: German
In meinem Buch A Taste for Purity. An Entangled History of Vegetarianism (New York: Columbia University Press, 2024) habe ich untersucht, wie der moderne Vegetarismus aus dem Dialog zwischen Protagonist*innen in Europa, Nordamerika und Indien entstanden ist. Der Deutschlandfunk-Podcast "Der Rest ist Geschichte" hat mich dazu interviewt.
This talk is in: German
Ausführliches Interview zu meinem Buch A Taste for Purity mit dem Wissenschafts-Podcast "Conversations in Atlantic Theory" des "Journal of French and Francophone Philosophy."
This talk is in: English