Prof. Dr. min. Sandra Bils

Main focus: Innovation and Exnovation

Twitter handle: @pastorsandy


Languages: English, German

City: Hannover

State: Lower Saxony

Country: Germany

Topics: innovation, exnovation

Services: Talk, Moderation, Workshop management, Consulting, Interview

  Willing to travel for an event.

  Willing to talk for nonprofit.

Personal note:

Change requires courage, openness, and a clear focus on what truly matters. In my work, I inspire individuals and organizations to step away from familiar paths and embrace new perspectives. My mission is to create spaces for innovative solutions and sustainable growth, always centered on strengthening our communities.

I look forward to connecting with people who are ready to actively shape change and explore new opportunities together.


I support organizations and institutions in navigating transformative processes. My focus is on strategic development and exnovation – the intentional process of letting go of outdated structures to make room for sustainable innovation. As a Strategic Consultant for Transformational Processes at midi in Berlin, also holding a honorary professorship for Church Development at the CVJM University in Kassel, I combine academic insights with practical applications to foster meaningful change.

My professional journey is deeply rooted in international and interdisciplinary experiences. With a doctoral degree in Leadership and Global Perspectives and teaching engagements in Pioneering at Friedrich Schiller University Jena, I bring a unique blend of academic expertise and hands-on experience.

Beyond my academic work, I am passionate about social justice. As a founding member of united4rescue – Gemeinsam retten, I advocate for humanitarian efforts in civil sea rescue. I firmly believe that innovation and social responsibility must go hand in hand to build a fairer and more resilient future.

Examples of previous talks / appearances:

Podcast zum Thema Exnovation

This talk is in: German
Predigt vor 50.000 Menschen im Signal Iduna Stadion in Dortmund und live im fernsehen (Kirchentag 2019):
Video Thumbnail

Einer größeren Öffentlichkeit wurde Sandra Bils durch ihre Predigt beim Deutschen Evangelischen Kirchentag im BVB-Stadion in Dortmund bekannt. Ihr Satz „Man lässt keine Menschen ertrinken. Punkt!“ ging daraufhin viral.
Sie ist Gründungsmitglied des Bündnisses United4Rescue – Gemeinsam Retten, das nach ihrer Predigt Spenden für ein erstes eigenes Seenotrettungsschiff im Mittelmeer gesammelt hat und im Juli 2020 bei einer ersten Rettungsaktion über 300 Menschen aus Seenot retten konnte. Mittlerweile ist United4Rescue das größte europäische Bündnis zur Unterstützung der zivilen Seenotrettung im Mittelmeer.

This talk is in: German