Ulrike Röhr

Main focus: climate and gender justice

Twitter handle: @ulrike_LIFE

Website/blog: http://www.genanet.de

Languages: German, English

City: Berlin

Country: Germany

Topics: gender mainstreaming

Services: Talk, Moderation, Workshop management, Consulting, Coaching, Interview

  Willing to travel for an event.


Ulrike Roehr, engineer and sociologist by background, has been working on gender issues in planning, sustainable development, environment, and especially in energy and climate policy for about 30 years. In recent years she was committed to mainstream gender into climate policy on local and national levels. She has been involved in gendering the UNFCCC process since the very beginning and is co-founder of the global network GenderCC - Women for Climate Justice. In Germany, she is head of genanet – focal point gender, environment, sustainability which is aiming to support gender mainstreaming in environmental policy by providing information, hosting a network of gender & environment experts, advising environment organisations and ministries, and carrying out research related to gender in energy and climae change policy.